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Happy September!


I hope everyone had a great Labor Day and start to the month- it's hard to believe that we are in September.

Labor Day was spent in true Labor Day fashion and that was laboring. Since it was a holiday, I decided to ‘waste’ a little time and ride my bike over to check fall calvers. It’s a little over 14 mile ride from the shop to where they are calving, and once there jumped onto the stored ATV to run through them.

There are times in life that one is grateful that they live in the middle of nowhere and this was one of those times. I’m sure the cows were more than impressed with my biker getup including helmet and clip in shoes driving around checking for any newbies. If this scene shows up in a future Yellowstone episode you know where it came from.

We have 3 fall babies so far and should be getting more coming every day. This is the last year that we will be fall calving. We will be selling some of these as pairs after they are done calving, and the remainders will move back into the spring calving herd.

The week before Labor Day, we were able to get to Denver, CO and participate in the inaugural Global Beef Summit. It was a great two day conference were we talked about a whole host of issues in the cattle industry.

On the Sunday of Labor Day weekend, we had two visitors out from Nebraska Wildlife Rehab. Based in Omaha, they rehabilitate over 7000 animals a year. We had a great visit and have decided to open the ranch to them to help reintroduce animals back into the wild. For the most part it will be migratory birds and maybe a badger or small mammal, porcupines were a hard no as they love to eat our meager tree population. The Rehab facility works off of fundraising so please head over to if you are interested in the great things they are doing.

The big ranch projects this week are picking up bulls from the spring calvers since it’s been 45 days that the bulls have been with the cows, and of course keep plugging away at haying and yard projects to get ready for next week’s visit from Humanities Nebraska.

If you are in Grand Island on Tuesday the 12th for Husker Harvest Days I will be on a panel at 2:45pm for Women in Agriculture on the Husker Harvest Days Hospitality Stage, stop by and say hi.

Lastly, we want to thank everyone for the patience with the summer heat. We are resuming shipping on September 18, so please get your orders in now, as we can’t wait to get our beef back on your door step.

-Jaclyn Wilson

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1 Comment

Rahn Austin
Rahn Austin
Sep 10, 2023

You had me there for a few seconds. When you said you ”biked” over to check the herd. I was thinking, cruiser, enduro, adventure, sport? Then it hit me, “Oh, duh, bicycle!” (Clip-in shoes turned on my light bulb moment.)

Enjoy your autumn weather, winter will be along shortly!

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